
shinee fanfiction author

Welcome! You'll find here a list of all the fanfictions I've written. Please be mindful of the ratings and the tags :) I hope you'll find what you're looking for, and if you like my writing please don't hesitate to say it! You can also contact me via Twitter or Retrospring if you want to.

Loving you is a crime

pairing: 2min / theme: religious trauma / rating: explicit / word count: 40k

When Minho comes back to his childhood home in California to handle the aftermath of his father’s death, he crosses paths with Taemin, his ex-boyfriend, whose presence reignites old flames and unresolved feelings.What Minho doesn’t know is that Taemin is still working through the trauma of being sent to a Catholic school in Montana and enduring years of abuse before he managed to escape.Their reunion makes them wonder—will they be able to come to terms with their pasts and seek a future with hope and healing?


pairing: 2min, taekai / theme: vampires / rating: explicit / word count: 81k

Bloodsuckers. Feeding off the blood of humans, they have been living on the fringes of society since the dawn of time. Minho, a young bloodsucker, has been in Jinki’s clan for the past ten years, but the thrill of the early years has worn off—he wants to leave.Taemin has his life figured out—studies almost done, a boyfriend waiting for him, a perspective for their future—until all his plans are cut short when he’s left for dead in the woods. His new nature troubles him, and he has a hard time adjusting to the bloodsuckers’ ways.Together, they start dreaming about another life, one that has meaning through the eternity that lays before them, but reality is running after them—and is about to catch up. Their blossoming feelings for each other might just be the thing that makes or breaks them.


shinee fanfiction author

Welcome! You'll find here a list of all the fanfictions I've written. Please be mindful of the ratings and the tags :) I hope you'll find what you're looking for, and if you like my writing please don't hesitate to say it! You can also contact me via Twitter or Retrospring if you want to.

nothing to hide

pairing: jongkey, 2min / theme: secret relationships / rating: mature / word count: 13k

Friends at a party. Phones on the table. Secrets uncovered.

emergency boyfriend

pairing: 2min / theme: fake relationship / rating: explicit / word count: 16k

After yet another failed relationship, Taemin ends up single when he’s supposed to introduce his boyfriend to his family. The last thing he wants is to disappoint them, so his friends find a last-minute replacement to play the boyfriend act in Minho, Jonghyun’s gym buddy. What Taemin hadn’t planned, however, was for Minho to be extremely attractive, and he finds himself wanting more than to play pretend.

gonna make you scream

pairing: 2min / theme: halloween / rating: teen / word count: 3k

It’s a Halloween night just like any other, with parties and costumes and scary movies. Until things get weird and frightening.

me in your sweater

pairing: 2min / theme: coming of age / rating: teen / word count: 7k

Taemin’s obsession for sweaters starts when he’s young, and it takes him some time to realize it’s not really about the sweaters, but about the person he’s stealing them from—Minho.

the bottom line

pairing: 2minkey / theme: polyamory / rating: explicit / word count: 15k

Minho always thought he was a pretty chill and open-minded guy regarding sex. After all, his sex life with his long-term boyfriend Taemin is thriving.But when his new boyfriend Kibum asks him to bottom for him, Minho is caught off-guard. Never had he thought he’d find himself in this situation, and the idea weirds him out.When he realizes his reluctance hurts Kibum, and Taemin might not be as fulfilled as he previously thought, he decides to embark on this new journey—and maybe he’ll even find out some things about himself in the process.

strangers with memories

pairing: 2min / theme: past relationship / rating: mature / word count: 14k

As Taemin steps foot in Korea ten years after moving away, the last person he expects to meet again is the one that broke his heart. The moment he sees him, conflicted feelings resurface and Minho’s mixed signals don’t help.Even if the spark is still there, somewhere buried deep inside of him, Taemin can’t deny they’ve become strangers to each other. He can try to put the pieces of them back together, but is Minho willing to do the same?

once upon a dream

pairing: 2min / theme: dream / rating: general / word count: 6k

Taemin is stuck in a dream, being chased by his own shadow. Minho is waiting for him in another one where time doesn’t exist. They have to find their way back to each other in order to find the way out.

on a night like this

pairing: 2min / theme: taxi / rating: teen / word count: 4k

It’s midnight on Friday. Taemin can’t sleep and wants to go to that place downtown. Minho is looking for a ride home. Since they’re both going the same way, why not share a cab?

dear minho

pairing: 2min / theme: letters / rating: teen / word count: 3k

Taemin left Minho 10 years ago but never told him why. He finally decides his ex-boyfriend deserves an explanation and gathers all the courage he has to write him a letter.


shinee fanfiction author

Welcome! You'll find here a list of all the fanfictions I've written. Please be mindful of the ratings and the tags :) I hope you'll find what you're looking for, and if you like my writing please don't hesitate to say it! You can also contact me via Twitter or Retrospring if you want to.

Loving you is a crime

pairing: 2min / theme: religious trauma / rating: explicit / word count: 40k

When Minho comes back to his childhood home in California to handle the aftermath of his father’s death, he crosses paths with Taemin, his ex-boyfriend, whose presence reignites old flames and unresolved feelings.What Minho doesn’t know is that Taemin is still working through the trauma of being sent to a Catholic school in Montana and enduring years of abuse before he managed to escape.Their reunion makes them wonder—will they be able to come to terms with their pasts and seek a future with hope and healing?


pairing: 2min, taekai / theme: vampires / rating: explicit / word count: 81k

Bloodsuckers. Feeding off the blood of humans, they have been living on the fringes of society since the dawn of time. Minho, a young bloodsucker, has been in Jinki’s clan for the past ten years, but the thrill of the early years has worn off—he wants to leave.Taemin has his life figured out—studies almost done, a boyfriend waiting for him, a perspective for their future—until all his plans are cut short when he’s left for dead in the woods. His new nature troubles him, and he has a hard time adjusting to the bloodsuckers’ ways.Together, they start dreaming about another life, one that has meaning through the eternity that lays before them, but reality is running after them—and is about to catch up. Their blossoming feelings for each other might just be the thing that makes or breaks them.

my boyfriend told me to water the plants and be happy

pairing: 2min / theme: neighbors / rating: teen / word count: 25k

Since his boyfriend’s passing, Taemin has secluded himself in the safety of his apartment and learned to live a quiet lonely life. He spends his days playing with his cat Luna, taking care of the plants, and occasionally meeting with his closest friends.Then one day a noisy neighbor moves into the unit next to his, and Taemin is caught off-guard by the man. While he gets to know him through this neighborhood issue, new feelings start to grow—feelings he didn’t think he’d ever experience again.As he tries to navigate this new world of possibilities, he wonders. What if taking a chance is what he needs to do in order to fulfill his late boyfriend’s wish?


pairing: 2min / theme: roommates / rating: explicit / word count: 25k

With Spring break right around the corner, Taemin was planning to enjoy his stay-at-home holiday while his roommates went back to their families. But as the sky darkens and a storm begins, his roommate—and secret crush—Minho is stranded with him. The last thing Taemin wants is to lose his friendship, but as things start to shift between them and lines are crossed, he has to decide if he’ll take his chances.

love (noun)

pairing: 2min / theme: age difference / rating: explicit / word count: 43k

love (noun) • a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.As he turns 21 years old on New Year’s Eve, Taemin has a pretty good idea of who he is and what he wants. But then, a stranger and a bit of alcohol turn his life upside down and suddenly, words he thought he understood take on a whole new meaning.

you're still so pretty

pairing: 2min / theme: long-distance / rating: explicit / word count: 10k

It’s been eleven months since Minho started his mandatory military service in South Korea, and he misses Taemin. Long-distance relationships aren’t easy, especially when on duty. Luckily for him, his boyfriend is resourceful and likes surprises.

lee taemin and the fey stones of wander

pairing: 2min / theme: harry potter au / rating: explicit / word count: 68k

Lee Taemin has everything going well for himself: a new job offer as a teacher for Muggle Studies at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and a flawless muggle boyfriend-to-be going by the name Minho.Until he receives his first death threat.As Taemin tries to navigate through this new relationship—it’s not easy to conceal the Wizarding World from Minho when he is a huge fan of the Harry Potter books—he has to accept that he and his loved ones might be in real danger.

in any way

pairing: ot4 / theme: polyamory / rating: explicit / word count: 21k

“Love isn’t a limited matter that we have to give to solely one person. I actually think the more we nurture it, the more we have to give away.”Minho falls for Taemin right away. The pretty boy with the long hair and the bubbly smile gives him a new perspective on love as he shows him that it can involve more than two people.A story in which Minho learns about sharing, jealousy, commitment, and communication. Four-way relationships aren’t easy, but he wants to make it work.

the person i used to be

pairing: 2min / theme: amnesia / rating: teen / word count: 17k

What makes us who we are, if not our past experiences? What’s left of us when everything prior to this day is just one black dot, and then just emptiness? Taemin is about to find out.When Taemin wakes up in the hospital with no idea who he is and how he ended up there, he has to choose who to believe, without any guarantee that he’s trusting the right people.


pairing: 2min / theme: superpowers / rating: mature / word count: 59k

Taemin was special. He and his family were hybrids. Like countless members of their community, they had abilities regular people would call superpowers. He had only one rule to follow: keep it a secret. He could never tell anyone for any reason whatsoever.Minho didn’t particularly like his father’s job, but he knew it was necessary. He was sure of one thing: if hybrids were dangerous, something had to be done to make the streets safer. They had to put the hybrids somewhere they would not be able to hurt innocent people.But when Minho lacks friendship and Taemin is ready to give him everything in order to find his place in this world, will they be able to put their fears and prejudices aside and accept each other?


shinee fanfiction author

Welcome! You'll find here a list of all the fanfictions I've written. Please be mindful of the ratings and the tags :) I hope you'll find what you're looking for, and if you like my writing please don't hesitate to say it! You can also contact me via Twitter or Retrospring if you want to.

tales of the red planet

pairing: 2min, jongkey / theme: sci-fi, mars / rating: explicit / word count: 68k

tales of the red planet (tome 1)

Five strangers have only one thing in common: they all live in the same Mars colony, Dome #3, owned by Woo-Jin Industries. Somehow, they crash into each other’s lives and turn it upside down—for better or worse.
Minho—a Mars newcomer that has everything to learn;
Jonghyun—an exhausted worker at his wits’ end;
Taemin—a cunning waiter with several tricks up his sleeve;
Jinki—a law-abiding officer with hopes and dreams;
Kibum—a lonely rich kid living in his own small world.

pairing: 2min, jongkey/ theme: sci-fi, mars / rating: explicit / word count: 64k

tales of the red planet (tome 2)

As Dome #3, a privately-owned Mars colony, is faced with an attack that leaves everybody shaken up and opens the door for all kinds of corruption, the five newfound friends need to learn how to live again.
Jinki—a runaway that discovers new horizons;
Taemin—a young adult struggling to find his purpose;
Jonghyun—an easily fooled, but never-ending optimist;
Kibum—a disowned son in desperate need of a found family;
Minho—a puppet that can’t get rid of his past ghosts.

do you remember when

pairing: 2min / theme: domestic / rating: mature / word count: 20k

do you remember when

AUTUMN 2021“Hey, Minho,” Taemin whispered, tracing his fingers on his husband’s chest. “Do you remember when we first met?”“Of course I do, honey. How could I ever forget?” Minho answered in a yawn before hugging the man lying next to him.

pairing: 2min / theme: domestic / rating: explicit / word count: 5k

between towns & thighs

After a long day of driving with Minho, Taemin spends the night in a motel with his boyfriend. Minho takes this opportunity to show him how much he loves him in every way he knows.

pairing: 2min / theme: domestic / rating: explicit / word count: 4k

as the rising tide

Taemin loves his daughter more than anything, but he misses alone time with his husband Minho. One morning as they both wake up early, they decide to make the most of the little time they have together, before their daughter wakes up.

pairing: 2min / theme: domestic / rating: mature / word count: 19k

back when we were young

AUTUMN 2022“It’s funny,” Taemin said out of the blue, and Minho turned his head toward him with a frown on his face.“What’s funny?” his husband asked, slight concern in his voice.“Every day I think this is the happiest I’ve ever been,” Taemin explained. “But then the next day happens and I feel even happier.”“Let’s keep it that way, then,” Minho said with a smile as he grabbed his husband’s hand with sparkles in his eyes.